Lily & Bean Hettie Mini Bag Review
I spotted the Lily & Bean Hettie Mini Bag on an influencer a few months ago and finally decided to order to test it out. I am happy to report that I am very pleased with the bag and wanted to provide a brief review if you too are interested in ordering. For more shopping and consignment tips & tricks, be sure to subscribe to the Thrift & Tell Newsletter and follow @thriftandtell on Instagram.
This is not super luxe quality bag, but I would say it’s about a Zara level quality.
The bag is $136 and shipping is $35 from the UK. I found a code THEBAGHAG online and got 15% off.
The bags ship from the UK and shipping was $35, whether I bought one or two bags. I was debating between the black and red, but since this was shipping was the same regardless I went for both.
Shipping was pretty quick too and it took about two weeks for the bag to arrive.
I like both colors, but if you were picking between red and black, I would get the red. I don’t know exactly why, but it feels more luxe to me.

The bag is advertised on the website with initials, but I thought the embossing looked a bit cheap. I simply put NO INITIALS in the portion that requests initials. I also added that to the comment section at check out and the bag arrived without initials.
The bags also come with two straps: one that is thin and another woven. The thin one is nice to make the bag a crossbody bag, but I think i’ll typically carry without the strap. The woven strap feels a bit more cheap, so I will likely list for a nominal amount of money on Poshmark and see if I get any takers.
One thing that did confuse me is that the website said the duties and taxes were not included. I had no clue how that might work when the bags arrived, but I did not need to pay anything additional. I later learned that if under $800 and shipping to the U.S. duties and taxes are not collected. This of course is subject to change so be sure to double check.
Overall, I was pleased and may add the yellow or the pink to my wardrobe too. You can shop the bag here or below.
For more shopping and consignment tips & tricks, be sure to subscribe to the Thrift & Tell Newsletter and follow @thriftandtell on Instagram.